Over 400 people from nottingham heading to the big one
This weekend over 400 Nottingham climate campaigners will join an estimated 100,000 people in London to demand urgent Government action on the climate and biodiversity crises. Extra buses have been arranged to The Big One, action which is expected to be the biggest ever held in the UK.
from April 21st-24th in london
The programme for the weekend will include speakers including the naturalist, author and TV presenter Chris Packham, music and family friendly activities. People who have never been to a demonstration before, and people representing many different national and local organisations are travelling to Westminster.
climate survey
Surveys conducted by campaigners in the city, Beeston, Mapperley, West Bridgford and Sherwood over the last 3 months show that 80% of people are either terrified or seriously concerned about the climate crisis. A similar percentage thought that our Government is not doing anywhere near enough about it. Their voices are not being heard and The Big One will take that message to our politicians.
Over 20 different local organisations are coming together for The Big One including Nottingham Wildlife Trust and Gedling Climate Action Group and also supported by local businesses such as the Tiger Hub Community Cafe, Mammoth Climate Action Cinema and Veggies Catering.
Over 200 national organisations are supporting – including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, PCS union and CAFOD (the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development)
Bus Tickets Available
You can by day return tickets here or make your own way to the event! Join our email list to stay connected to other Nottingham people.
Friday bus 2
Saturday bus 2