Extinction Rebellion is renowned for the variety of peaceful civil disobedience methods it uses highlight the climate and ecological emergency. From single person roadblocks to thousands of Rebels shutting down central London, to art installations, music and samba bands, occupying land, ‘discobedience’, cracking windows to flyposting and spray chalking – all have proven effective in creating awareness and change.
But there is still a long way to go before the future of our planet has been properly safeguarded.
The Actions working group coordinates actions in Nottingham that are appropriate to XR Nottingham’s aims and which suit Rebels in the group. It liaises with the other working groups to ensure actions are supported with media, art and well-being resources. The aim is to create actions which alter the public’s consciousness around the plight of our planet and the scandalous inaction of our government to address this.
Our actions are carefully planned to have the maximum effect and in accordance with Extinction Rebellion’s ten principles and values.
Actions working group is always looking for Rebels who are keen to get involved. Please email email hidden; JavaScript is required to find out more.