9am, County Hall, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7QP
Nottingham Extinction Rebellion will be outside County Hall at 9am on Thursday 3rd October to protest against the County Council’s refusal to stop investing in Fossil Fuels.
This is the AGM of the Nottinghamshire Local Government Pension Fund. Despite calls from hundreds of pension fund members and the City Council the County Council that manages this multi-million pound fund, refuses to sell its investments in fossil fuels that are driving global warming.
This will be a fun, noisy, disruptive protest to make it clear that their behavior is unacceptable. Come with your voice and other things to make a noise!
At 10.30 you can also join us in the public gallery for the AGM itself where the fund managers will be fielding over 20 questions from Extinction Rebellion.