We demand the County Council take action!

Demand 1 : Tell the Truth! – Declare a Climate Emergency

The County Elections are on Thu May 6th. It’s time that Nottingham County Council stood up to their responsibilities and declared a Climate Emergency.  If candidates come knocking on your door asking for your vote, make sure you talk about your concerns about the climate and ecological crisis and how the scientific truth should be built into all decision making.

Demand 2 : Act Now

No More Fossil Fuels
The County Council Pension Fund still has investments in the Fossil Fuel Industry and XR Nottingham have consistently campaigned for this money to be redirected. Read more about our DivestNotts Campaign

No More Incinerators
The Council MUST NOT give permission for the Ratcliffe-on-Soar waste incinerator. Incinerators burn mixed waste including plastics made from fossil fuels and then call it “Green Energy”. They are as polluting as coal and have no place in a world trying to reduce carbon emissions. Read more about our ‘Burnout’ incinerator Campaign

Demand 3 : Go Beyond Politics

Notts County Council MUST join the other 31 Local Authorities to support the CEE Bill. Local MP Nadia Whittome was co-sponsor of the proposed Bill, which if passed will put in to law ambitious conservation and protection of nature; make the government keep their promises and targets on climate change; and set up legally binding Citizens Assemblies to democratically tackle climate change. This takes power away from self-serving lobbyists and MPs who act in their own interests before the next election.  More info on our CEE Bill Campaign page.